Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Black Friday Madness - 1236 Words

Black Friday Madness In the essay â€Å"Black Friday: Consumerism Minus Civilization,† the author, Andrew Leonard, makes the argument that, â€Å"The out-of-control marketing and consumer insanity† (135) has taken over Thanksgiving and the days following it. Sadly, as consumers, we have forgotten what Thanksgiving is really all about. Marketing businesses have gone overboard brainwashing consumers with advertisements pumping them up to shop on Black Friday and the days that follow. Moreover, marketing businesses have caused the actions we see and hear about on Black Friday such as people being trampled, as consumers rush into stores to shop the sales, and are proof of this insanity. I strongly agree with Leonard’s arguments from â€Å"Black Friday:†¦show more content†¦In addition, within the stores there are so many areas sections off with lines for their own for specific items such as laptops, Ipads, and other expensive items that are very limited in the quantity a store even receives. The insanity of the consumers showing up hours before the store even opens or sales even began made me step back and wonder if it is really worth the few bucks of savings. I have seen consumers rushing to be the first in line and closest to the pallets and racks of the items still covered up. It is crazy people actually start taking the boxes apart to look what inside while waiting for the sale time to start. I do not recommend bringing your kids to shop, because consumers can be rude and very pushy. Also, some stores even announce specials that are only advertised in the store during the Black Friday sale times. All these things seem to just send consumers into and even bigger frenzy. Leonard argues that it is time to take back Thanksgiving. He has many thoughts and points to the insanity that Black Friday shopping brings. Leonard states â€Å"But there’s also a point where healthy consumerism becomes out-of-control marketing-driven commodity fetishism, and when we find ourselves checking our smartphones for last minute online deals while standing in line for a chain store opening at midnight on Thanksgiving,Show MoreRelatedThe Black Friday Shopping Madness Essay957 Words   |  4 PagesIt was an awful experience about the Black Friday shopping madness since arriving in the United States, but I had never really got excited about it. I always considered Black Friday to be an ordinary day despite the hype surrounding it. On 2013 Black Friday, however, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to embark on a shopping spree just to have an experience of this white tradition. Nevertheless, I still had some reservations as I felt that it would look odd for an internati onal student to engage in an AmericanRead MoreBlack Friday Essay837 Words   |  4 PagesShannon Danner 335986651 Assignment #4 Black Friday Analysis Black Friday is the following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. Black Friday is not an official holiday, but many workers have the day off as part of the Thanksgiving holiday, this increases the number of potential shoppers. Retailers often decorate for the Christmas and holiday season weeks beforehand. Many retailers open extremely early, withRead MoreBritish Literature : Holiday Shopping Madness Essay2170 Words   |  9 PagesMax Sawyer 4 December 2016 British Literature Period 1 Holiday Shopping Madness Christmas lights, inflatable snowmen, reindeer with red noses, fake snowflakes, and decorated coffee cups, it must be the winter holidays and the new year! But wait, Halloween was just days ago. How have haunted houses turned to gingerbread so fast, and what happened to Thanksgiving? Holiday decorations, especially those pertaining to Christmas go up so fast in stores and in neighborhoods sometimes as soon as a coupleRead MoreInformative Speech : Speech Outline1066 Words   |  5 Pagesadvice on how to survive getting through it, one shift at a time. e. Preview a. The three main areas I will be covering today are: 1. How to deal with an angry customer. 2. How to survive an eight hour or longer shift. 3. Lastly, how to survive Black Friday. II. Body a. How to deal with an angry customer. a. The first thing you should do is just keep on smiling and be pleasant, despite how the customer may be acting. 1. They aren’t trying to start a fight they just want the best refund or exchangeRead MoreConsumerism : A Social And Economic Order Within America Propelled Essay1777 Words   |  8 Pagesthe biggest sales event of this country, Black Friday. 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Blood SuckersRead MoreMacbeth Headlines868 Words   |  4 Pages the Thane of Glamis, commanded the army and led it to victory against the opposing forces, although he was absent during the end of the battle. The Thane of Cawdor, as it turns out, was a traitor working for the rebels, and is to be executed on Friday at sunrise. King Duncan has awarded Macbeth the title of Thane of Cawdor, taking place of the traitor. KING DUNCAN MURDERED Duncan, the King of Scotland, is dead! While staying at the castle of Macbeth, Thane of Cawdor, the King was stabbedRead MoreFriday Night Lights By Lewis Lapham1866 Words   |  8 Pagesstudied how sports affect people from all over the nation and came to the conclusion that sports must â€Å"preserve an illusion of perfect innocence.† Lapham’s views can clearly be linked to the information Bissinger gathered and presented in his novel â€Å"Friday Night Lights† where he revealed to the world just how important high school football is in Odessa. Through Lapham’s views and Bissinger’s first hand experiences, it is evident that sports in America aren’t just games. They don’t end when the nightRead MoreRichard Wright And Ralph Ellison Essay1715 Words   |  7 Pageseducational duality which all black Americans had to battle with. (Majeed 235). He distinct it as a duplicated consciousness burdened with the dread of existing in the Ameri can world which yield him no true self-consciousness, but only let him see himself in the course of the revelation of the universe. The notion of double awareness was developed into the distinction between outer life and inner life as a way of characterizing Du Bois’ views. The interior life of the black American was for domestic

Monday, December 23, 2019

Two Views of Slavery - 1006 Words

Two Views of Slavery During the time prior to the twentieth century our world accepted slavery as a normal part of life. Aphra Behn and Phillis Wheatley, both female authors born about 100 years apart, had their own views of slavery and wrote poems and stories about the subject. These women were physically different, Aphra was a Caucasian, and Phillis was an African American, and their lives were rather different as well. Aphra was a spy and playwright, who lived the middle class life and Phillis, was a slave who was taken from her homeland, brought to America, sold into slavery, then later freed. I believe that both writers’ views were difficult to figure out, especially by just reading their works. Phillis was born in Senegal/Gambia and†¦show more content†¦(Behn 180) Although her description makes Oroonoko seem rather stunning, it is a rather disrespectful description to the native Negro people. Her description makes it sound like slaves are not equal and due to fact that Oroonoko was a Prince, they did not put him in the same category as the other slaves and treated him with decency and respect, almost as if it was a double standard. Her story gets even more confusing when Oroonoko is kidnapped and sold into slavery himself by the same person that once helped Oroonoko traffic slaves. After he was captured and enslaved, he is treated humanely by his captor, which seems rather odd since most other slaves were treated very poorly. He is renamed Caesar (slaves were renamed at that time), I assume for his strength and nobility. Once at the slave camp, â€Å"he is received more like a governor than a slave† (Behn 209). He was even given land away from the other slaves, as if to separate him and treat him more like a king. He then finds his love , Imoinda living in a cottage with a cute little dog, which paints a very pretty picture, almost like a fairy tale, which again, is in sharp contrast of most depictions of slave quarters during this time. Caesar has elaborate feasts prepared in his honor, and it seems that there is, for lack of a better word, a party atmosphere in the camp. He was also given more freedoms than the slaves he must live with; he is even allowed to accompany the narrator of the story on a tripShow MoreRelatedTwo Contrasting Views of Slavery in Literature: Beloved and American Negro Slavery2068 Words   |  9 Pagesworks of two authors on the topic of slavery in America: Ulrich B. Phillips American Negro Slavery (1918) and Toni Morrison Beloved (1987). One writes as a Southerner and a historian who is defending southern slaveholders and draws upon contemporary racial theory to justify the system as beneficial to African Americans. The other writes as an African-American woman who is looking to write women into history and in doing so, add a female voice to the past. The purpose of comparing these two textsRead MoreSlavery and Racism1509 Words   |  7 PagesO’Donnell Development of Western Civilization Dr. Carlson November 17, 2011 Slavery and Racism: Are They One in the Same? Aphra Behn was an extremely significant and influential English writer in the 1600s. One of her more famous works, Oroonoko, discusses the issues of slavery and racism in the Americas. Many people believe that slavery and racism go hand in hand. In fact, these two ideologies are awfully different. Slavery is the act of forcing humans to be treated property whereas racism is theRead MoreMark Twain : A Man Beyond Color1541 Words   |  7 Pages2003). Just before the death of Clemens’ father, because of financial distress, his mother took a job as cook for a local man (The Mark Twain House Museum, 2015). Clemens’ empathetic nature for black Americans were adopted from his mother and his views on antislavery later became evident upon his successful career as a writer, when he would later adopt the pen name Mark Twain (as referred to throughout) in 1863 (Mark Twain Boyhood Home Museum, 2015). Dempsey (2003) asserts that Twain’s earlyRead Morewhat were the different views towards slavery DBQ1258 Words   |  6 Pagesattitudes of my understanding the document. These documents are all based on the institution of slavery and the attitudes about slavery. I put these eight documents into two groups and those are for slavery and neutral attitude thought about slavery. These eight documents are all sorted by attitude and are going to be from the beginning of time to modern day. The first group is the thought that slavery was a good thing. The first document in this group is document number one. This document statesRead MoreThe, Slavery, And Theatrical Sex Play1521 Words   |  7 PagesWhen people think or hear of the word â€Å"slavery,† they only remember how poorly the slaves were mistreated and how unfair it was to them to endure this. The modern society only sees slavery as thing of forced labor, prostitution, or theatrical sex-play . Any person, young or old, that is forced into work, owned or controlled by an ‘employer,’ bought or sold as property, or confined from any movement is considered to be in slavery . But back in the 1600s, our thoughts or interpretations didn’t matterRead MoreSouthern Secession1218 Words   |  5 Pagesof 1860 and 1861 â€Å"If slavery must not expand in your mind, it’s settled, we as a state secede from the governing of the Union and join a greater power, the Confederacy. We will no longer be hampered in your hatred towards our way of living. †Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Then be on your way, I shall not dabble in your cruel pro-slavery reasoning. Just bear the knowledge in mind, we are stronger as a whole.† The Missouri Compromise kept inevitable split of the Nation at bay when it prohibited slavery north of the parallel 36ï‚ °30’Read MoreComparison of Roman and American slavery760 Words   |  3 PagesRoman and Western Slavery Slavery is one of the most common entities between the Roman s society and the Western society in the late 1800 s. Both civilizations have many differences and similarities between their views on slavery, treatments of the slaves, and economics of slavery. Such similarities include the imprisonment of slaves, the cruel treatments towards slaves, and the legal status of slaves as their owner s property. However, despite the many differences, slavery between polar societiesRead MoreLincolns view on Slavery and How it Evolved Essay1676 Words   |  7 PagesLincoln’s View on Slavery†¦.And How It Evolved Abraham Lincoln spent most of his political career as a member of the Whig party endorsing policies that aided economic development, supported free soil and opposed the expansion of slavery. Lincoln was instrumental in creating the voice of the Republican Party and during that process his own views on slavery were shaped. He played the middle ground and therefore appealed to both former conservative northern Whigs, and radical Republicans. The CivilRead MoreEssay on Emancipation1140 Words   |  5 Pagesdifferences between the North and the South. Slavery was a major issue that triggered the American Civil War. Basically the South wanted and needed it and the North did not want it at all. The South was going to do anything they could to keep it. Slavery and slave trades had become a big part of the South’s economy. The slaves were needed to work on plantations which helped the South prospered. During the 19th Century, the North worked hard on abolishing slavery, which they thought was a disgrace toRead MoreDifferences Between the North and South1016 Words   |  5 Pages Different Views DBQ For many years the North and the South tried to live in harmony even though they had opposing views. The North was slowly growing a strong hate for slavery while the South strongly depended on it. So for years they try to avoided confrontation, but the question of slavery still threatened to divide them. You see this in the Missouri Compromise – Maine would enter as a free state

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Multiplex Film and Service Profit Chain Free Essays

Executive summary 1. Introduction 2. Industry analysis 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Multiplex: Film and Service Profit Chain or any similar topic only for you Order Now Indian entertainment industry 2. Indian film industry 3. Growth drivers 4. Key players 3. Services marketing concepts as applied in multiplex 1. 7 Ps of services marketing 2. Service profit chain 3. Service blueprinting 4. Managing demand and supply 5. Yield management 6. Managing waiting process 7. Complaint management and service recovery 8. Customer feedback . Research report 5. Conclusion Abstract The magical word in cinemas today is – multiplex. It caters to the busy, fast moving and variety-loving consumer who wants more than just one film under a single roof. Multiplexes have become just a rage that most of the old cine complexes are converting to multiplexes. Cinema cannot be an independent identity. It stands with the food and entertainment counters. In the concept of multiplexes full entertainment is the magnet that attracts people inside This paper examines various Services marketing concepts, such as 7 Ps of services marketing- service Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, and Physical evidence; service Blueprinting; service Profit Chain; Managing Demand and Supply; Yield Management; Queue Management; Customer Feedback and service Recovery. This paper also throws some light on Industry analysis. Tectonic change in Indian Entertainment Industry and Indian Film Industry, and Growth drivers responsible for the expected increase in the number of multiplex cinemas such as Favorable demographic changes, An increase in disposable income in the hands of ever-expanding Indian middle class, Organized retail boom, Entertainment tax benefits for multiplex cinemas, India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, High quality of creative and technical talent pool, Indian consumers willing to spent more on Entertainment, and Increase in the number of high-grade Hindi films, etc are considered. The paper also lists key players in the industry such as PVR Limited, INOX, FUN Cinemas, FAME Cinemas, and Cinemax. A descriptive research has been conducted, using questionnaire method, with a view to understand customer profile, customer expectation, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, usage frequency, customer behavior, and to get other important insights with respect to a multiplex. A number of charts and tables are prepared to bring out the main characteristics of the collected data. How to cite Multiplex: Film and Service Profit Chain, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Banning Cigarettes Essay Research Paper Each year free essay sample

Baning Cigarettes Essay, Research Paper Each twelvemonth, the U.S. authorities passes legion Torahs to protect its citizens. Yet, one absolutely legal merchandise manages to prehend over 400,000 American lives yearly ( American Lung Association, # 8220 ; American # 8221 ; ) . Despite the attempts of the U.S. authorities to protect its citizens, the authorities continues to disregard the individual most preventable cause of premature deceases. The barbarous perpetrator attributed to these deceases is the common coffin nail. Death, nevertheless, is non the lone evildoing coffin nails are responsible for. Cigarettes pose a clear menace to the populace, to the economic system, and to the planet. Without a uncertainty, the authorities should censor coffin nails on history of the fact that they are harmful to the economic system, to the organic structure, and to the environment. The authorities should censor coffin nails because they hurt the economic system. Basically, coffin nails rob the economic system of wealth. One country where coffin nail smoke is dearly-won is wellness attention. Smokers frequently seek medical attention because of the negative effects coffin nails have on the human organic structure. As a consequence, the authorities spends a big sum of money handling medical unwellnesss that are, many times, preventable. In fact, # 8220 ; [ s ] moking costs the United States about $ 97.2 billion each twelvemonth in health-care costs and lost productiveness # 8221 ; ( American Lung Association, # 8220 ; American # 8221 ; ) . Besides, citizens must fund wellness attention costs through revenue enhancement dollars. A wiser and more productive use of revenue enhancement dollars would be funding for schools. Despite the fact that the baccy industry contributes a important sum of revenue enhancement dollars, economic costs far exceed tobacco net incomes. Another country where coffin nail smoke is dearly-won is the working environment. Employers must pass more money on tobacco users than on nonsmokers. Statisticss indicate, in fact, that tobacco users do non go to work every bit frequently, receive more wellness insurance, show reduced occupation public presentation, and necessitate higher care disbursals ( Tobacco ) . Last, and most evidently, tobacco users themselves can salvage money by non purchasing coffin nails. Simply put, coffin nails are smothering to economic growing. Cigarettes are non merely harmful to the economic system but besides harmful to the organic structure. Undeniably, the authorities should criminalize coffin nails because they are harmful to the organic structure. First of all, coffin nails contain nicotine, # 8220 ; an habit-forming drug, which when inhaled in coffin nail fume reaches the encephalon faster than drugs that enter the organic structure intravenously # 8221 ; ( American Lung Association, # 8220 ; American # 8221 ; ) . Second, coffin nails contain legion chemicals and toxicants such as ammonium hydroxide, arsenic, C monoxide, and methanal. Some of these chemicals even cause malignant neoplastic disease. Besides harmful effects on tobacco user s, they besides have unpleasant effects on nonsmokers. Nonsmokers frequently breathe in the fume from firing coffin nails, whether they want to or non. Therefore, nonsmokers suffer some of the same complaints as tobacco users. Another party topic to the dangers of coffin nail fume includes unborn and newborn kids. Womans who choose to smoke during their gestation frequently put their kid at hazard of many defects. Statistically, â€Å" [ s ] moking in gestation histories for an estimated 20 to 30 per centum of low-birth weight babes, up to 14 per centum of preterm bringings, and some 10 per centum of all infant deaths† ( American Lung Association, â€Å"American† ) . In add-on to being a menace to humanity, coffin nails are besides a jeopardy to the environment. A prohibition on coffin nails should travel into consequence because they impose many jeopardies to the environment. One jeopardy deals with the fact that baccy companies do non do coffin nail filters from environmentally safe stuffs. Although this does non look like a great menace to the environment, frequently times, tobacco users throw their coffin nails on the land. Because coffin nail filters are non-biodegradable, they do non vanish, later doing a build-up of litter. Furthermore, # 8220 ; [ c ] igarette butts are lifelessly to wildlife, which eat the filters misidentifying them for nutrient # 8221 ; ( # 8221 ; No # 8221 ; ) . This mistake in opinion is deadly because of the legion chemicals and toxicants left in the filters. Cigarettes besides contain a major beginning of air pollution: C monoxide. Consequently, air pollution can # 8220 ; worsen and may do lung disease # 8221 ; among other things ( American Lung Association, # 8220 ; Major # 8221 ; ) . Undoubtedly, the authorities should non recommend smoke because coffin nails are unsafe to the environment. In drumhead, the authorities should forbid coffin nails because they are economically, bodily, and environmentally damaging. Cigarette usage is dearly-won to keep and cumbersome to economic prosperity. Additionally, coffin nails induce damaging effects on the human organic structure. Furthermore, the environment suffers from pollution given off by coffin nails. Society should non digest a merchandise that yields malicious effects on such a magnitude. If world should seek an ideal life, world must take the necessary stairss to accomplish it, get downing with a prohibition on coffin nails. Plants Cited American Lung Association. # 8220 ; American Lung Association Fact Sheet Smoking. # 8221 ; Sept. 1999. 27 Oct. 1999. # 8211 ; . # 8220 ; Major Air Pollutants. # 8221 ; n.d. 28 Oct. 1999. # 8220 ; No Butts About It, Use an Ash Tray. # 8221 ; Jan. 1996. 28 Oct. 1999. Tobacco Free Kansas Coaltion Inc. # 8220 ; Tobacco Facts: Economic Impact Of Smoking In the Workplace. # 8221 ; 1999. 16 Oct. 1999. 32c

Friday, November 29, 2019

Hotel Management free essay sample

Medium Size Hotel How is the front office important to a hotel? The front office of any sized hotel is the brain of the operation. The front office concludes of employees and departments that make the hotel functional. Front office employees, such as front desk employees, make reservations via phone, check-in/check-out guests, address all guest questions, and suggest activities to guests that are vacationing to the area. The front office also is home to the night auditor, a position within the hotel that is extremely important to successfully manage revenue from the previous day. The night auditor collects daily profits from the day before, plus through the night, and projects the data into spreadsheets that the front office manager and higher management can review and determine their financial goals (Axia College, 2010). Which department is most important to the success of the front office and why? I believe the front desk is the most crucial department located within the front office because of the constant interaction with guests and vendors. We will write a custom essay sample on Hotel Management or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The front desk is the area in which guests arrive at when first coming to the hotel. The front desk employees greet the guests and ensure them a relaxing stay while located on the premise of the hotel. Although the front desk is an important department, I also believe that the night auditors position is fairly as important considering the financial means of the hotel rely on his or her work to be as accurate as possible for management to make timely and correct business decisions (Axia College, 2010). How might the front office in a small/medium size hotel differ from the front office in a large hotel? Hotels that are labeled small to medium size differ in front office size with those of large hotels mainly by employee-guest ratio, specific department, and various guest accommodations. Hotels that are large consist of supervisors underneath the front office manager that operate the different departments daily, while small to medium size hotels consist of one front office manager and a supervisor to oversee all the departments on the premise. Larger hotels provide more departments for guests located on premise than those of small to medium size because of the property size and employees employed within the company. Also, large hotels offer many more accommodations and amenities than that of a small/medium size hotel. Larger hotels offer an onsite spa, fitness room, valet parking, restaurant, and shops, while a small/medium size hotel may not feature a spa, valet parking, or onsite restaurant (Axia College, 2010). What front office functions do all three sized hotels share? All three of the hotel sizes consist of a Night Auditor, Front Desk Receptionist, Housekeeping department, and Maintenance employee. These four functions are used to accommodate the guests, maintain a safe and healthy atmosphere, and calculate financial profits and declines within a hospitality operation. A Night Auditor is used in all three sized properties to successfully determine how well the business is doing on a daily basis. The front desk clerks are used in guest relations when arriving, staying, and departing the hotel. Housekeeping is used to clean the rooms, provide a clean environment establishment, and attend to guests accommodations located within the rooms. Lastly, a maintenance employee is utilized to perform work around the hotel that is needed to be fixed to ensure guest safety and satisfaction (Axia College, 2010). Compare the duties of the front offices of a budget roadside hotel and a center city luxury hotel. The duties of a front office manager within a budget roadside hotel are basically to oversee and carry out required duties on the premise daily. The front office manager within a budget hotel may also be the front desk clerk and night auditor considering the size of the establishment and the employee’s employed by the specific small/medium hotel. The front office manager, during the night hours, is usually the housekeeping employee which entitles him or her to meet the accommodation needs of the guest utilizing the hotel for a place to stay. The front office manager of a large hotel usually only oversees the employee’s working in each department considering the size of the establishment and the employee’s employed within the company. The front office manager of a large hotel intervenes with guests if a situation occurs that requires a manager’s response (Axia College, 2010). Commonalities of a front office manager within a small/medium sized hotel and a large sized hotel? Front office managers within all three sized hotels supervise daily activities within the establishment and makes sure guests are satisfied with the accommodations they are receiving. The front office manager of all three sized hotels understands the financial income of the day, the work that needs to be addressed, and activities that occur on premise by employees and guests. What are the most obvious differences? When observing a small/medium sized hotel, the front manager is an employee that addresses every situation that occurs during his or her shift. He or she interacts with guest’s reservations, check-ins/check-outs, housekeeping, maintenance, and other accommodations located on site. Large hotel front office managers usually tend to supervise employees on a daily basis and interfere only when situations occur that guests get out of hand. The front office manager of a large hotel simply manages a group of employees located within all the departments on premise, while small/medium sized front office managers are the employee’s that take care of guest relations, guest issues, and establishment concerns.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Exploring The Religion Of Zoroastrianism Religion Essays

Exploring The Religion Of Zoroastrianism Religion Essays Exploring The Religion Of Zoroastrianism Religion Essay Exploring The Religion Of Zoroastrianism Religion Essay Mazdaism is said to be the oldest revealed faith in the universe and holds a steadfast topographic point in being one of the most interesting surveies of the universe s faiths. Such significance can be attributed to the influences on Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Little is known about the earliest yearss of Zoroastrianism after its constitution by Persian prophesier Zarathustra ( Zoroaster in western civilization ) but during the sixth century BCE and seventh century CE Zoroastrianism was the most influential faith in three back-to-back Iranian Empires ( known as Iran ) .It s ruin in Persia followed the Arab invasions and resulted in a little minority set uping a group in north-west India in the tenth century CE. Body Paragraph 1: Zarathustra was a Iranian prophesier who thought he had envisioned the sight of God Ahura Mazda- the create of all that was good and who entirely is to be worshipped. This is a alteration from past Indo-Persian polytheism and is known to be the first non-biblical monotheist. Their sacred book of jurisprudence, the Avesta is aggregation of sacred composing complied over many centuries and was non completed until the Sassanid dynasty. It consists hymns ascribed to Zarathustra- the Gathas- supplication and rites to be used at festivals, anthem of congratulations and enchantments against devils and prescriptions for purification. The construct of God involves the usage of both monotheism and dualism. In his visions Zarathustra was taken up to the celestial spheres where Ahura Mazda revealed that he had an opposition, Aura Mainyu, the spirit and booster of evil. It was from this vision that Zarathustra was given the undertaking of ask foring all of world to take between good and evil. Zoroaster taught adult male they he must partake in the cosmic battle because of his capacity of free pick. In bend doing Zoroastrianism an ethical faith due to the importance of taking good over evil. It is believed in Zoroastrianism that worlds are free to make up ones mind between right and incorrect, light and dark, and truth and prevarication and finally their picks would impact their fate for all infinity. Afterlife in Zoroastrian civilization is decided by the balance of the words, good and evil title and ideas throughout one s life. By and large this thought is non absolute, nevertheless there is exclusion for human failing, this means mistakes are non registered or weight everlastingly on the graduated tables. Two agencies of killing them ; confession and the transportation of excess virtues . The political orientation of monotheism, heaven, snake pit, angelology, the christ, the Resurrection of the organic structure was influential on Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Body 2: Mazdaism was the most influential Religion upon Persia for three consecutive Empires the first lead by Cyrus the Young of the Archaemenian Family from 549 BCE -331 BCE. Kings of the Archaemenian Empire are known to hold been really holier-than-thou Zoroastrians and ruled politically in integrity with the Law of Asha truth and righteousness. Cyrus was by and large care-free and therefore no infliction was made upon his people to rehearse Zoroastrian ways. Beneficiary peculiarly to the Jews whom Cyrus allowed to return to the Holy Land from expatriate in Babylon this impacted them greatly and influenced post-Exilic Judaism [ Boyce, M: 1977: p211 ] . Harmonizing to Xenophon and Plutarch [ Xenophon and Plutarch in Lawless: 1994: 211 ] , Cyrus worshipped Mithra, Anahita and Ahura-Mazda with letterings dating back to Cyrus the Young indicate that many of his edifice undertakings were under their protection. Darius the Great was besides really spiritual and showed the same general credence during his reign, imputing him being king to that of Ahura Mazda By the favor of Ahura-Mazda I am king ; Ahura-Mazda bestowed the kingship upon me by the favor of Ahura-Mazda these states showed respect toward my jurisprudence Ahura-Mazda bore me assistance until I got ownership of this land. [ Behistan Inscription in Lawless, J ( 1991 ) p.207 ] . Ahura-Mazda was besides proclaimed responsible for assisting create Darius edifice undertakings at Susa, Persepolis and his grave at Naqshi-eRustan. Following Darius to the throne was his boy Xerxes who, like Darius before him attributed his Ascension to the throne and edifice undertakings to Ahura-Mazda. A instead controversial tablet as Persepolis indicates that Xerxes claims that he destroyed sanctuaries of false Gods [ Kent in Lawless ( 1994 ) p208 ] ; Among these states there was ( a topographic point ) where antecedently false Gods were worshipped. Afterwards, by the favor of Ahura-Mazda, I destroyed that sanctuary of the devils ( daevas ) and I made announcement: The Demons shall non be worshipped! Where antecedently the devils were worshipped there I worshipped Ahura-Mazda and Arta reverentially The lettering harmonizing to Kent has worried bookmans and there are suggestions that Xerxes localized Zoroastrianism. Following in line after the regulation of the Archaemenians was the Seleucids and Arcasids ; Zoroastrianism became self-sufficing during their regulation. The Parthian Arcasids overthrew the Seleucids and ruled for a much longer period than the Archaemenians, nevertheless making so with a less centralized regulation. A series of alterations began from the Arcasids regulation this included ; Gathering of Zoroastrian texts from all states and The Vendidad ( Laws Against Demons ) is established. What continued was the tradition of tolerance towards other faiths and besides governed the jurisprudence of Asha like past swayers. The concluding Empire to keep Zoroastrianism as its chief faith was the Sasanians. The Sasanians around 224 CE 7th Century- were ruled by Ardashir, and during his reign of import developments were made- A individual Zoroastrian church was created under the control of Persia, the Zoroastrian calendar was reformed ; the older cullender had 360 yearss, the new calendar was a 365 twenty-four hours calendar ; the nucleus of the Avesta was able to be written down. By the terminal of the Sasanian period the autocratic Zoroastrian church-state was vastly affluent, until the Islamic conquerings of the seventh century that is Body paragraph 3: The Islamic Arabs invaded and conquered Persia in the seventh century ; this had a black consequence on Zoroastrianism that surpassed that of Alexander the Great s conquering. Numerous libraries were burned to the land and to a great extent so was Persia s cultural heritage. Zoroastrians were treated like dhimmis ( People of the Book ) at the custodies of the Arab encroachers this meant, that they were allowed to retain their spiritual practises, but had to pay excess revenue enhancements as a consequence. Social humiliations and other Torahs were implemented to do life so hard for those who practised Zoroastrianism that they would, as a consequence convert to Islam. This maneuver was successful as over clip many Persians did change over and therefore doing Zoroastrianism a minority faith. More consecutive onslaught from the Turks, Mongols and Islamists destroyed more spiritual texts and Zoroastrianism declined further into obscureness. Decision: Mazdaism is said to be the oldest revealed faith in the universe and holds a steadfast topographic point in being one of the most interesting surveies of the universe s faiths. Such significance can be attributed to the influences on Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Little is known about the earliest yearss of Zoroastrianism after its constitution by Persian prophesier Zarathustra ( Zoroaster in western civilization ) but during the sixth century BCE and seventh century CE Zoroastrianism was the most influential faith in three back-to-back Iranian Empires ( known as Iran ) . It s ruin in Persia followed the Arab invasions and resulted in a little minority set uping a group in north-west India in the tenth century CE.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example Ka-Kui discusses the concept of organized retail crime as the large scale theft of consumer goods and how it can be addressed. The author portrays shoplifting in Hong Kong as a problem occasioned by the existence of organized groups of professional shoplifters. The negative implications of organized crime can be reduced by using technology such as installing surveillance cameras. Most of the responses to these crimes come from the retailers with little input from the government. This gap is of particular importance to the anticipated research study. Ka-Sing addresses the various ways through which losses arising from shoplifting can be reduced. The approach used in the paper focuses on early identification of the shoplifters using such features as the physical appearance and signs of panic. The paper further categorizes the type of people that are most likely to shoplift and the reasons for their doing so. The paper approaches the problem by analyzing the methods that shoplifters use and uses the results to propose ways of curbing it. Overall, the paper is essential in our research objective of reducing shoplifting losses. The authors focus on diverting shoplifters as an effective strategy to respond to the problem of shoplifting. The research incorporated the input of public and private partners in coming up with promising alternatives in responding to low-level retail theft. The idea of the paper is to work with law enforcement agencies in tackling shoplifting. The role of legislation is particularly useful in the anticipated

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Leadership - Research Paper Example It may be adopted in the form of a democratic leader (Zastrow, 2009, p 186). A leader may be an authoritative leader. A leader on the other hand may be a laissez faire kind of leader. Other broader domains and types of leadership skills include participative and coordinating form of leadership. A leader is an individual who through his actions, words, policies and thoughts make a difference and guide his sub ordinates. The role of leadership in response is a set of instructions, commands, duty, post and designation which requires certain set of instructions, commands and obligations to be fulfilled in a definite set of circumstances that are set forth against them and their tasks and their duties (Malloch & Porter-OGrady, 2009, p. 231). Leadership is important because it provides the team, the organization, the home, the country and town a representative and guiding individual who through his skills, actions and steps guides his subordinates and the circumstances. Without the presence of the leader the entire unit would collapse. He serves as the foundation pillar and support against which the ideas, morale and the direction of the individuals is aligned and administered. The absence of leaders lead to a state of disarray where there is little harmony and the subsequent toll shows up on the overall project and the final outcome (Elsner & Farrands, 2012, p 38). Leaders are most effective when they are participative and when they are appointed through the will of the subordinates. The leaders are most effective when they know the pulse of the people the environment and the circumstances surrounding them. The leaders are further more effective when they embrace themselves to the challenges and face them with confidence and dedication. Further, the leaders are effective if they work under the spirit of professionalism by reducing any bias and dedicating all the sources and energies towards the final outcomes of the organizations. The functions of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Cite and Correct Using Risk Assessment Assignment - 2

Cite and Correct Using Risk Assessment - Assignment Example zards as they can hit employees and injure them badly, that is in case they are opened while an employee is walking towards the point where the gate or door is swinging moving. The dust, gas, vapor and fumes produced are hazardous as they may damage parts of the body exposed to the substances. This may cause burns. Additionally, the chemicals may attack some organs, for example the lungs or liver, when the body absorbs some chemicals. An employee may touch bare wire, equipment that ungrounded properly or wet surfaces, which may lead to the employee being shocked. This may cause burns especially when the clothes are get fire. This may even lead to death. Some machinery reduces the levels of oxygen and this is hazardous to anyone in around as it may lead to suffocation. Employees deprived of oxygen for long periods may lead to brain damage and in extreme scenarios, death. For the walking work surface, any person entering the company is at risk. This is because any one can fall and get hurt since everyone is using the same polished floors. Additionally, doors swinging while being opened may hit anyone. Every single individual in the company is at risk of exposure. This is because the chemical produced, dust, gas, vapor and fumes, not excluding the noise, radiation and extreme temperatures, will not spare anyone. However, those people who spend more time in the company are more at risk than the visitors due to longer periods of exposure are. Everyone in the company is at risk in case the oxygen levels are low. This is because everyone needs oxygen and nobody will be spared. This also includes hazardous chemicals increasing to levels beyond the Permissible Exposure Limits. Impacts = the risk is only localized to the polished floors and the risk only increases when the floor is wet. Slipping may cause injuries but the probabilities of the injuries being serious are quite low. Impacts = the risk is only localized to a specific door being opened while an individual

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Analysing The Novel Elegy For My Father English Literature Essay

Analysing The Novel Elegy For My Father English Literature Essay Elegy for my Father is a melancholy piece of poetry which uses descriptive imagery in order to describe a fathers last hours. The original definition of an elegy was a dedication to a persons life, either in mourning or sorrow. This example is written in six separate eight line stanzas, each flowing from the next. The poem could also be described as a form of lyric poetry because of the deep thoughts and feelings expressed in it, and the story it is telling. The sombre metre of the poem uses dactylic tetrameter, which creates a kind of rapid effect, and also with the unrhymed lines creating a less flowing rhythm, with a more jagged like tone throughout the poem. The variations of the chosen dactylic meter illustrated in the first stanza, range from the trochee in lines 1 and 7, the cretic in the first foot of line 2, the bacchic in the third foot of line 2 and the running start or extra syllable beginning in the first foot of line 4. The different mix of the poetic forms shows how the author, Annie Finch, illustrates freedom and expression in her writing. In his review of Annie Finchs poetry, Michael Parker states, Finch is simply a master of meter, displaying a distinct, complex yet highly readable metrical system, most unique for contemporary poets. The main subject, the father, has little of his life left to live and Finch wants the reader, to journey through this particular time in great detail. The images of vigil evoked in this poe m allow the reader to develop a feel of the pagan ritual of mourning the death of a loved one. The spiritual views which Finch follows so boldly and weaves into her works beautifully are very vivid in the imagery used in Elegy for my Father. Ted Richards wrote in Jacket Magazine that Finch, who has described her work process as including the whispering or muttering, shouting or chanting or singing her words aloud as she writes, has brought that song into the words in a way that we associate with poets of an earlier era, like Tennyson or Kipling. Throughout the poem, the repetitive use of you and he for the father is significant because it creates that close personal feeling of a father and his daughter, and how death can change it all. It also creates empathy in the reader towards the subject. In the later part with lines like Night, take his hand and He has given his body we can feel the distance which is created by death. This creates that feeling of transition and distance which one goes through in the ritual of mourning the death of a loved one. In the transition from you to he Finch has created that feeling of departure just like creating the most moving moments in an elegyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. when a poet juxtaposes the mourners address to the dead person with a sympathetic but sceptical testing of that convention: If the dead are forever deaf and inert, how can they hear what we say? (Shaw, 1994) The two epigraphs presented in quote form at the beginning of the poem act as a preface to the subject of the poem: death as part of the natural circle of life. No earthly shore until is answered in the vortex of our grave. The word grave mentioned early on in the poem reveals ideas about death and earthly shore about the earth bound physical part of our life before we move on to the spiritual life beyond. In the next line, the seals wide spindrift gaze towards paradise, the seal and paradise emphasise that once dead in the physical sense, you are passed on to paradise. Similarly with the lion in the second epigraph, it is as if we the readers are to believe that humans can be compared to an animal as large and triumphant as a lion or a seal perhaps. The reason for the epigraphs at the beginning of the poem is to create a strong indication of the poems theme that is to follow. Finch uses two quotes from a poet (Crane) and a philosopher (Wittgenstein, in whose work her father was a pa rticular expert) to inform her poems content. In comparison, T.S. Eliots poem Gerontion uses an epigraph taken from Shakespeares Measure for Measure: Thou has nor youth nor age/ But as it were an after dinner sleep/ dreaming of both. A popular choice among literary writers, the epigraph sets the scene for what is to follow and enables the reader to form their own ideas about the theme chosen. In the deep room where candles burn soundlessly and peace pours at last through the cells of our bodies. Lines 1 and 2 of the second stanza echo line 1 of the first. The repetition of both adverbs soundlessly and wordlessly is an example of where Finch has attempted to use rhyme but in a completely different way. The family of the dying father is watchful by his side, Three of us are watching, one of us is staring. It is almost as if they know what is going to happen, but they want to stay in the moment forever and not see him die. With the wide gaze of a wild, wave-fed seal. Incense and sage speak in smoke loud as waves. The descriptive imagery Finch uses, particularly the alliterative w sound in line 12 and the sibilant s sound in line 13 in the second stanza shows that she is using sound to illustrate how she is feeling. The repetition of these consonants and the use of the nature theme help to create an image of happiness, and not sadness. Crickets sing sand towards the edge of t he hourglass. The hourglass signifies an end point in time, but if crickets are singing then there could be an element of joy too. It is the difference between our imaginations and reality that the focus of this poem is illustrating. It is showing the balance of light and dark and death alongside life. Overall, the description of the room and the imagery used suggest aspects of Pagan ritual the references to incense, candles and circles and to animals. There are roughly three sections of this poem; the first being the descriptive tribute to a father most loved, the second being the father losing grip on his life, with his family close by, we will stay with you, keeping the silence we all came here for, and the last involving the moment in which he dies, Silence is here. In the fifth stanza, lines 34, 35 and 36 all begin with the word spin. This is the first noticeable pattern of words chosen by Finch. The effect of repeating each line with the same word affects the outlook on the situation. It is as if the death which is happening is such a blur that it spins impatiently, waiting for an outcome. Lines 38 and 29 of the same stanza also begin with the repeated word flying. The similarity between spin and flying, both of which suggest adventurous actions demonstrate that at this point, that the father is nearing a dignified death, His breath slows, lending its edges out to the night. Ending with the last stanza, where the father dies, it is important to point out that with the authors pagan religious beliefs, the theme throughout has been that death is much more than just death alone. It is likened to nature, and the soul; He has given his body; his hand lies above the sheets in a symbol of wholeness. This powerful imagery and religious (albeit Pagan) input infuses a feeling of warmth and strength for the ending of the poem. We the readers are left to our own imaginations, words such as gold, flame, temple, and prayer paint the scene of the mourning and passage of a person into the realm of death with ritualistic and religious sanctity. Edain McCoy has said that, when one defines oneself as Pagan, it means she or he follows an earth or nature religion, one that sees the divine manifest in all creation. The cycles of nature are our holy days, the earth is our temple. Annie Finch in Elegy for my Father creates a personal outlook on her fathers death framed by her own Pagan beliefs. 1,492 words Endnote 1. The writer of the poem was identified by typing the first two lines of the first stanza into Googles search bar, and following the first link to: http://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/annie_finch/poems/22499

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Violence In The Media Essay -- essays research papers fc

 Violence in the Media It’s the ever-present question that has been asked by authorities, educational institutes and parents alike. Does violence in the media influence the behavior of society? Some say yes, others say no. Other questions posed that I will try to clarify in this essay are those to do with what, if anything is being done to control this virus. To fully comprehend these questions we must first understand what is meant by violence in the media, and whom it effects, if anyone at all. Also, did violence in the media come first, or was it derived from violence in the ‘real world’? There are arguments that can be stated from both sides. Some say that escalation of violence in society is a symptom of deteriorated value systems and poor parental instruction. Others say, and this is backed up with factual evidence, that violence that is seen on television, in the movies and in video games is directly linked to the violence in society. Either way, there is too much violence in the mass media and the outcome of this can in no way, shape or form be of a positive nature. Violence has become an ordinary way to be entertained, settle arguments, or blow off steam. Violence results when many different things come together, and we know that violence in the media is one of those things. Children spend more in a week time watching TV than doing anything else, other than sleeping. Violence, however, isn't limited to TV-it can be found in music, video games, comic books, newspapers, and magazines. Exposing children to violence can desensitise them to violence and make them more fearful of others, causing them to act more aggressively. Fortunately, most media violence can be unplugged. The term mass media can be used to describe television, cinema, video games, books, music, the Internet, newspapers or magazines. Everyday we are confronted with violence that is portrayed in the media. Everywhere billboard we go past, every movie we see, every magazine or newspaper we pick up will inevitably have violence in it. Whether it is informing us about it, or using it as entertainment, people are susceptible to this violence. The main age group that is influenced most immensely by this is young children. Since they are exposed to violence in the media from such a young age, they believe that violence is praised, even funny. They presume th... ... one night a week a family night. Plan some activities for the whole family. Don't buy products whose advertisements glorify violence. Express your concern to the manufacturer. Violence is everywhere. It is an impossibility to avoid it. Refusal to address the issue will not solve it. The parents must stop allowing TV to be the baby sitter and sole educator of their children. TV is a medium for entertainment, not instruction. The parents must seize responsibility of properly raising their children. Herein lies the solution. Do not to TV land for salvation, because it is like a mirror, it will reflect your image. Just as one cannot complain to a mirror that one is fat or ugly, one cannot blame TV for our own evils. Bibliography Kim, Timothy Young ‘Media and Violence’ Available www-edlab.cs.umass.edu/~tkim/media.html online 1998 Kopel, David B ‘The Impact of the Mass Media Revolution,’ Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy Available http://i1i.org/SuptDocs?issuPper/Irmaddag.htm Online ‘The Mass Media’ Document;  Grolier Encyclopedia 1996 VIOLENCE IN THE MEDIA

Monday, November 11, 2019

Describe the Role and Status of Women in the 1940s and 1950s Essay

After the First World War women had gained a huge step towards having equality with men. In 1918 married women over the age of 30 were given the right to vote. During the war women had proved themselves as capable as men, not only as nurses near the front lines working in very dangerous positions but also back in Britain working to help the war effort in jobs that before the war they could never have even had a chance of getting. However women were still a long way of having any vague equality with men, and when the men returned from war things changed as men were still considered far above women. Although it had got worse since the end of the war it should be recognised that womens role in society had been greatly improved since the days before the First World War. During the Second World War many of the men were conscripted to go away to war. This meant that their jobs now needed to be filled in order for the country to work., women got jobs in all areas of employment from working in manual labour to working in banks. They also managed to prove that they could do the jobs just as well as men and were able to work in jobs that had previously been for men only. Gaining all these new jobs had been a huge leap towards women gaining equality with men, however when the men returned from war most if the women lost their war time jobs. This happened because of a number of reasons. Firstly, public opinion in general believed that the soldiers who had been fighting deserved to come back to jobs and not have to struggle with unemployment. Also some bosses of small and large companies felt that men were still better and didnt want to employ women over men. A women who had worked as a welder during the war years was told, â€Å"Oh my goodness, youve got the best qualifications that we ever had apply for the job, but your a woman, and I wonder what the boys would say if I employed a woman† A newspaper editor was told when she was dismissed,†Oh its nothing wrong with your work, but we have to safeguard the succession and the successor has to be a man†. Bosses who were taking this line, and most of them were were infact taking and supporting the governments line. The governments official line said it is doubtless true that there are many jobs done during the war by women for which men are better suited, both mentally and physically. And, if there is to be a nation in the future, there must be children and children mean homes and endless chores. So that there must naturally be a drift back from the services and the factories to domestic work. I believe that this is showing that men and the government (dominated by men) were showing an incompetence to realise that women were able to do the jobs that men traditionally did. So although women had again gained a further step towards equality after the war they had again lost some of that newly gained freedom when the war ended in 1945. However not all women were displeased at societys attitude as after the war many women wanted to start families and now the men had come back from the war they were able to do this. The evidence for this lies in an area known as the baby boom, when the birth rate soared dramatically after the war. Even after the war when women were gaining more equality with men they did not have equal pay rates as men. A woman doing the same amount of work as a man would be paid two thirds of what a man would be paid. Women didnt, understandably find this fair and in August 1943 them women who worked at a Rolls Royce factory went on strike and after a week on strike they were given equal pay. However all over the rest of the country women continued be exploited by societies views. Even the government were not willing to even think about women being equal to men. When female school teachers asked for equal pay with men, Churchill dismissed their demand with one word. Even though now he was falling out of favour with the people and was soon to lose the general election, it showed that some men and in incredibly important positions within society, had no respect still for womens role in society. This meant that their status remained below a mans status even though in some cases they had become more equal, such as the right it do certain types of jobs. Before 1948 the government offered no medical assistance to women or their children only a small amount to men. In 1942 the Beveridge report was published which illustrated the importance of setting up a Welfare State which would look after all citizens equally. In July 1948 the National Health Service Act and the National Insurance Act were introduced for a weekly payment by all people earning wages. This was a huge advance for womens equality and their place in society as it now made them equal. In the first few months thousands of women went to the NHS to be treated of illnesses that they had previously had to suffer in silence. The introduction of the Welfare State also brought about the Butler Education Act. This meant that the minimum age to leave school was now raised to fifteen for all children. This was another huge advance for girls in school as it meant that there was now not only had free secondary education, and therefor this meant that the government recognised girls ability to thrive within a working and intellectual environment. It also meant that they were being put on the same level platform and being given equal opportunities in schools as boys, which would then go onto to effect the whole generations and its way of dealing with women as equals. However the system was slightly corrupt and it was not entirely equal. When pupils went up into secondary schools they had to take an 11+ exam to determine which type of school they would go in to. There were three different types, grammar for the most academic, secondary modern and technical for pupils who would be more suited to manual and primary sector jobs. Although the system seemed to give equal opportunities for both girls and boys there were infact more grammar schools for boys than there were for girls. The Welfare State also introduced family allowances to try and deal with poverty among families with a large numbers of children. It meant that for each child a small payment was paid to the women to help keep the child. This meant that the women now had some control over the finances within the household and that the man could not just go out and spend the money needed for the children. I believe that in the 1940s and 50s womens role in society improved greatly and that there were huge leaps made towards equality. However there were still some major issues that still had not been resolved and needed to be if there was going to get equality between men and women

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Beggar at Damascus Gate

‘Yasmine Zahran was born in Ramallah, Palestine. She was educated at Columbia University, and London University. She earned a doctorate in archeology from the Sorbonne. She is the author of two previous books; one on ancient Palestine, Echoes of History, and a novel, The First Melody [3]. ’ A Beggar at Damascus Gate is a story of love, intrigue and mystery.It is quite difficult to classify it in a single genre. At one point it seems like a love story, at another, like a spy novel, and yet at other times, it just seems like a literary work of history [2].Cold and alone in a small inn, an archaeologist/professor, Foster comes across an old dusty canvas bag in the closet of his room. Opening this, he finds letters and journals. He hesitates at first, not wanting to go through someone else’s personal journals, but curious, he reads them, to discover that they belong to two lovers – A Palestinian woman Rayya, living in exile in France and an English man Alex. Th ey were married to each other. What follows is a well crafted novel, weaved with passages from the lovers’ journals. Foster is fascinated, and decides to compile the journals and letters into a single manuscript, and get it published.Zahran’s novel can simply be called a master piece. â€Å"It is story about lovers of two contending cultures. † Rayya is a deeply patriotic woman, completely devoted to her cause, of seeing Palestine as a free and sovereign state. A lot of the narrative is based on Rayya’s determination. The book is set in the time immediately after the 1967 Arab-Israeli conflict. Palestine is under military occupation. Britain has colonized Palestine. There relationship is marred by political instabilities, and stubborn national loyalties. When Rayya and Alex first come to know each other, Zahran follows a light-hearted course.Both tease each other about their backgrounds, their different cultures and their different heritage. But slowly an d sadly, this emerges into a much deeper rebellion – both begin getting suspicious about each other. Is Rayya more devoted to her homeland, or to her love? Is Alex really the man he shows himself to be [2]? Suspicions begin when Rayya discovers that Alex can speak Arabic [4]. She begins fearing that he could be an English spy. There relationship is painful and poignant. At times, out of national loyalty, both try to separate from each other, but emotions continue to draw them together.Rayya’s suspicions eventually cause Alex’s death [4]. The narrative follows the eight year relationship between the two. Zahran also brings out the contemporary Palestinian culture and thought to life. In fact, the plight of the Palestinians’ is what stands out most in the book. Even something as strong as true love is not able to bring two people from these two vastly different cultures together. The fate of the Palestinian people hangs continually over their relationship a nd the story follows a tragic path of treachery and suspicion. The book shows the â€Å"collective psyche of the Palestinian people, and what the ‘Nakba’ did to it [2].† Palestinians were expelled from their territory, where Israel was born. The Palestinian exodus is called the ‘Nakba,’ meaning disaster. Zahran cleverly intertwines snatches of the journals in the narrative, and we come across Rayya’s poetry, which is very moving. Her writing is dreamlike and full of feeling, ‘A poetic, empowering portrayal of the struggle for liberation – both personal and political liberation [2]. ’ Foster spends ten years looking for the couple desperately, and finally, is about to give up hope, till he actually finds Rayya.The tension builds up, and ultimately, Zahran brings us to an anti-climax, as life often is [2]. Good does not always triump over evil, nor does love over hate. Zahran avoids using cliche’s [2]. What she depicts is the true plight of millions displaced from their very homeland. The relationship between Alex and Rayya too is not a typical one. Both have their national loyalties, and will abide by them no matter what. Rayya, in particular is passionately devoted to the Palestinian cause. Never does Zahran isolate the characters from the life around them.It is indeed the life and the war around them that lead to their separation. What many critics believe is that Alex probably never truly understood Rayya’s passion for her homeland, since he had never lived a life of oppression. He did not understand what it was like to have your home country and people under military occupation, for years. Rayya, on the other hand had been brought up in a time and region of constant political instability and military warfare. The experiences in her life had shaped her into an intensely patriotic, strong person, defending her cause, her people and her nation.Written in first person, from the mind of Fo ster, Zahran has built up an interesting and engaging narrative structure that keeps the reader captivated. In fact many have found Zahran’s writing almost magical, and strangely close to life. Her style is deceptively simple. It can undoubtedly be accepted that ‘A Beggar at Damascus Gate’ is one of the best works of contemporary literature. The book is also a beautiful preservation of an emotional human relationship, and the culture and life of a daunting era. The book ends vaguely, but Zahran has made herself clear. The tragedy lies not only in Alex and Raya’s alienation.It lies in the damage war and conflict can do. Zahran states it herself – â€Å"Love is a constantly changing landscape [1]. † Even though the lovers cannot be together by the end, Zahran does not leave the reader dejected. What Rayya and Alex shared may not have lasted, but it left its impact. For both, the relationship proved to be a journey of self-discovery; â€Å"the final resolution surprises them both and reveals a depth to their commitments that neither had previously realized [3]. † It also proved to be a deep experience for Foster, and resulted in his determination to find either of the two, and to get the manuscript published.What is more haunting is the fact that readers, even today can understand the strife of the characters – Palestine is still far from free. Rayya’s dream is still a dream; her homeland is still not free. As Marzahn stated in her review; â€Å"We all need a little place to call home, a little piece of world to which we belong. The realization for some people that it is not possible to return home is one of sorrow. Reading The Beggar at Damascus Gate by Yasmin Zahran brings to the forefront that poignant struggle facing many Palestinians.It is a book that makes one think about home, loss, and the just cause [4]. † Works Cited: 1. Zahra, Yasmin. A Beggar at Damascus Gate. The Post Apollo Press, ISBN: 0-942996-24-0 2. Amazon Reviews, A Beggar at Damascus Gate, retrieved from http://www. amazon. com/Beggar-at-Damascus-Gate/dp/0942996240 3. Swensen, Cole and Cooke, Miriam, A Beggar at Damascus Gate (short review), retrieved from http://www. postapollopress. com/A_Beggar. html 4. Marzahn, Michelle A. A Beggar at Damascus Gate: A War Between Emotions and Politics, Book review from Al Jadid, Vol. 2, No. 7, May 1996

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Success of the Mexican Revolution essays

Success of the Mexican Revolution essays Why was the first Mexican Revolution successful? Many factors made the first Mexican revolution successful. Revolutions in other countries, discontent people from all classes, and passionate revolutionaries were among the factors that led to a successful revolution. King Charles III took the funding of the church for himself because he feared that the Church would become too powerful. The church served as a bank to the Creoles and priests, and the lack of funding meant they would have to borrow from haciendas, which caused hardships for the Creoles and priest. After many years of Spanish rule, the Latin American colonials began hate the ruling of Spaniards. The ideas of the American and French Revolutions, along with the ideas of the Enlightenment made revolutionaries wanted to overthrow Spanish Rule of Latin America. And with the French invasion of Spain in 1808, the discontent creoles and priests began plotting a revolution. Dozens of secret societies sprang up everywhere. An influential revolutionary was Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, who issued an arousing plea known as the Cry of Dolores. This called for end of Spanish Rule, equality for all races, and for redistribution of land from rich to poor. He was sympathetic to the Indians, which was very unusual among Mexican clergymen. His sympathy towards Indians was able to gain him support of the Indians and mestizos. An army of Indian and mestizo forces headed toward Mexico City to kick out the gachupines, led by Hidalgo and Allende, a renegade army officer. A mass slaughter of gachupines followed. This bloodbath shocked Hidalgo, who had not expected such violence. The rebellion was crushed in 1811, ending with the execution of Hidalgo and Alende. Soon afterwards, another priest, Jose Maria Morelos, took up Hidalgos cause. His campaign was based on logic, whereas Hidalgos was based on the hatred of Spaniards. He defined specific goals ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

I will download directions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

I will download directions - Essay Example Integrity is one of those unfortunate words used ruthlessly in the United States of America but no attempt is ever made at arriving at the purpose of the frequent usage of the word. One of the reasons behind the tragedy is that often in this world, the people try to establish in others what they are devoid of themselves. One must say: â€Å"why do you preach what you do not do yourself†? When one teaches the other, the other asks for the same and the conflict begins. It means the lack of integrity brings about the downfall of nations by indulging them in warfare. Oh! My life is getting tougher day by day. Can you have a look at my course? The syllabus is not allowing me to spend my one minute for luxuries around me. The luxuries are appealing me with startling eyes. The world is inviting me for the charm, beauty and joys it has for me. I am confused which way to go. I am puzzled and something voicing from my inside; no way but to be honest with my studies. The policy orders me to meet the required studies daily. It gives me the deadline but invokes my energy to get my work done not waiting for the last minute. I should have done it much before the deadline. That is cruel for I should have some time to spend in the jocund companies of my friends. The Policy expects me to do so like one expects from the armies to be alert and to the point. For me to abide by the rules, policies, assignments and expectations, it is like a huge adventure. Let me try my best and hope for the better to come out. And for my friends, family and sports, they must listen; I have no time for them. OK. I have to achieve the distinguished character during the demonstration of the process of clinical inquiry. I want my critical questions to be comprehensive. I have an ambition; my thought process should be precise and accurate. I desire to have the ability to interpret and evaluate texts with the distinction. I long I should achieve distinction in commands over interpreting thesis and supporting evidences. In the critical evaluation of point of view, I wish ti be able to synthesize source-texts with purpose and precision and accuracy. My college intends to provide me with the abilities to face the world in future. For the purpose, a shift in policies is always imminent. For instance, Tunxis has implemented a new policy in which â€Å"grades’ have been eliminated and the â€Å"Course Ability Equivalent Scores† introduced. No doubt the method is to strengthen me with my improved knowledge, it has added to burdens over me. My instructor will no longer correct my errors, instead I have to discover and diagnose my problems myself. The responsibility of my success or failure is thus on my own shoulders now. My pleasures, how can I find time for you? My Composition Course aims at developing inside me skills of writing, my ability to read, evaluate, analyze and synthesize texts and ideas. With the standard use of English, my course is to enable me to writ e and revise essays with due formats. Attendance, Conduct and deadline, all I always meet with satisfaction. Essays need a high degree of concentration and learning. It is, therefore, quite a tougher job to do. To get it done to the satisfaction, my time is shortened again for my hobbies. Let me say good bye to my hobbies right now. Beg your pardon hobbies; it is to say off with you forthwith. According to Carter, â€Å"Integrity† is to fully understand the right and the wrong. When â€Å"right†

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Linear Model and Nonlinear Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Linear Model and Nonlinear Model - Essay Example This model can then be used in predicting the dependent variable values based on the independent variable values. In measuring the association strength between X and Y variables, correlation analysis is applied. Generally, when plotting for the line of best fit, the concept of the least squares is applied. Interpretation of the slope of the line of best fit is usually done in algebra i.e. -0.008/1. The slope represents a ratio that exists between the Y and X variable in that a change in Y per change in X is represented by the ratio. From the equation above, As the X- variable value increases by 1, the Y-variable value decreases by 0.008. In the context of the question, as the years increases by 1, the winning times of the Summer Olympics, 200m Breaststroke women swimming decreases by 0.008. This implies that the units of the slope of the line are determined by the units of the Y-variable per the units of the X-variable. The Coefficient of determination (R squared) is an indication of how well the points of data fit on a regression line. In most cases, the main role of the R squared in statistical models is to predict future outcomes or to test for the hypotheses. This coefficient is used to determine how proportionate the variance of one variable is from another from the model. Usually, the value should range between 0